Adhoc Networks Summer Industrial Training Program

Summer internships are usually part of an engineering course curriculum. Through internships, engineering students gain knowledge from this practical training approach. Summer Industrial Training is important and essential because it is the best way to gain as much technical knowledge about technologies.

Summer Training refers to the real time technical training provided to computer science students with a technical degree. Students work on live industrial projects where they learn and implement the technologies.

AdHoc Networks offering Summer Industrial Training Program for category of students and professionals like B.Tech , BE , BCA , MCA.

Know more about your mentors for this Summer :Mr.Ashutoshh Singh

The Project involved in this Summer Training/ Internship 2018
1.      Project Code: BASH-91-18 : Data science model and its modular approach using Machine learning & Deep learning under Linux platform using Python and R programming language.

2.      Project Code: BASH-92-18 : Orchestration of hardware resources by deploying own Cloud under the platform of Linux with the power of Python CGI, web front end using HTML 5 by integrating DevOps automation tool Ansible/Puppet and Docker.

3.      Project Code: BASH-93-18 : Deployment of Super Computer using distributed storage with Apache Hadoop and Spark cluster and schedule batch and distributed processing with YARN and Apache Mesos and implementation of python webUI.

To know more about the Summer Internship:

To get in touch with us :
Contact No: 8800882664, 8764444450
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